Well, it's certainly been quite a while since we last posted about the happenings at Sit & Spin. We have been busy buying up record collections, pricing LPs, 45s and everything else which has made it hard for us to find time to post here.
Let's dig in with what we will have going on for RSD, and like past years we will not be stocking any RSD titles.
We Intend to do a sidewalk sale from 11-4pm (rain date 4/24), with the record shop opening at noon. We will have a large selection of secondhand t-shirts, records, CDs, cassettes, DVDs and equipment along with lots of deals and discounts on select items. Tons of new arrivals will be ready to go from punk, metal, rock, jazz, soul and more. Follow us on instagram @sitandspinrecords for more pictures of items that will be available.