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Store Update + Punk and Hardcore Drop Satuday 12/17

Rare hardcore punk 7"s E.A.T.E.R. Lasta EP Svart Framtid Rappresaglia the execute Bombanfall Harnrohrer Systematic death Headcleaners U.B.R. Appendix Mobs Olho Seco the bristles Bedboys Kuro wretched vulpess Kaaos Cadgers Rattus Systeemi Ei Toimi Asocial

This past week has been a record buying whirlwind and we are now fully stocked with great vinyl, whether you're looking for LPs, 45s or cassettes (yeah, yeah, yeah I get it tapes aren't vinyl) we got you covered! On Tuesday we bought over 1,000 LPs, 1,300 tapes and a few hundred 7"s, but it was Wednesday when we scored some really killer punk and hardcore 7"s. 

We have already put out several hundred tapes this week including some great punk, metal, 90s alternative, jazz and hip hop. Some artists include The Ramones, The Misfits, Motorhead, Metallica, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Sonic Youth, My Bloody Valentine, Tool, Sonny Rollins, John Coltrane, Miles Davis and much more. We also put out a decent amount of VHS including plenty of horror films and old sci-fi classics with lots more to come once I find somewhere to put them. Vinyl new arrivals have really been "a little bit of everything", some punk, hardcore, metal, indie rock, classic rock and little bit of jazz and R&B.

So, if you made it this far you're probably itching to hear about some of the rare 1st and early press punk and hardcore 7"s we will have available at noon Saturday 12/17. A nice grip of Scandinavian hardcore from the likes of E.A.T.E.R., Bombanfall, Headcleaners, The Bristles, Appendix, Kaaos, Cadgers, U.B.R., Mobs, The Execute, Olho Seco, Bedboys, Kuro, Systematic Death, Svart Framtid, Wretched, Rappresaglia, Asocial, Harnrohrer, Vulpess, Rattus and more. 

Check back here before Saturday and we should have some more updates on sick records that will be available!



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